
From the production process in the steel plants, to the final shaping of  parts (bending, machining, stamping, welding...), the metal manufacturing process involves the use of a multitude of components working under harsh conditions of temperature, wear, oxidation etc. 

In TECNOCLAD our laser cladding and laser hardening processes allow to improve the behavior of these compnents through the use of optimized materials for each applicacion.

Some applications are:
  • Rolls.
  • Wear plates 
  • Shafts
  • Moulds and dies.
  • ...

  • Laser cladding AISI 431
    HT Roller Laser cladding AISI 431
  • Laser cladding WC
    Profile roll Laser cladding WC
  • Reinforcement by LC
    Awl Reinforcement by LC